What a great day and a half at the 2009 PLA Symposium in Nashville, TN on April 3 and 4. Jane, Tim, Marc, Cathy and I would like to thank the 106 participants who attended our session, "Today's Library: From the Inside Out." We had a great time and learned a lot. We hope you did too.
As promised, here is a .pdf of the final PowerPoint presentation. It will remain on my blog for the next several weeks. If you have questions, please let me know.
Today's Library Powerpoint
Also, here are a few other items people requested:
1. "Wood" ceiling information for the Ramsey County (MN) - Maplewood Library project
Acoustigreen Organtex
Photo of Maplewood ceiling
2. "Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill" articles include, but aren't limited to:
Peter Carbonara Article #1
Peter Carbonara Article #2
3. Meeting room management software is called Room Reserve by Evanced Solutions and the vending solution for libraries is called GoLibrary also by Evanced Solutions. See also my blog post from 1/13/09.
4. See my 3/15/09 post for mobile service point solutions.
5. Free Signage - The Dewey pictograms are available on the California State Library's literacy website. They can be downloaded in low or high resolution at California Library Literacy Services.
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