
Online Summer Reading - Kids and Teens

More and more libraries are getting on board and rolling out online summer reading for kids and teens. Not only is this a great way to draw in young customers and promote your library's website and online resources, it is also a terrific way to market to new participants and increase active participation of all involved through online registration, online logging, individual home pages, automated prize alerts, review and information sharing, and more. Remember Prince William County's success last year (See the Sept. 2006 posting)?

Automating summer reading is a huge draw for busy families. It is also a smart library management move as it streamlines tasks and saves countless staff and volunteer hours. No more counting cards, counting logs, tearing up slips of paper for drawings! Check out what some libraries across the nation are doing:


  1. Hi Kim...

    I'm loving this online summer reading stuff. Are these libraries using the E-vanced Solutions product I seem to recall looking at a few years ago? Or am I thinking of something else? Either way, I'll be looking at something like this for MCLS for 2008.


  2. Patty -

    Yes, these libraries are all using E*vanced Solutions online summer reading product. I've received quite a bit of positive feedback from libraries using their product as it scales to libraries small, medium, and large. Every year it just keeps improving. If you want more information, let me know and I will put you in touch with Rob Cullin from E*vanced.



Kim Bolan, MLS, Bolsters Ratio's National Library Design Expertise

Rob and I are excited to announce that Jessica Edwards and I have joined Ratio Architects where we will continue to focus on planning a...